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Getrocknete Apfelscheiben und Äpfel

Getrocknete Apfelscheiben und Äpfel

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Dieses Bild ist Teil eines Features

Off the Sauce
© Feature by Samsø, Lene | 31 Bilder + Text

Applesauce is only one way to enjoy this fruit. There is so much that the common fruit has to offer. You can pickle them, dehydrate them, bake them, even distill them and shake them up and pour them. However you choose to enjoy your apple a day, we think it’s time to get off the sauce and try something different.

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Bildunterschrift:Getrocknete Apfelscheiben und Äpfel
Fotograf:StockFood / House of Pictures / Samsø, Lene
Bildgröße:3413 px x 5120 px
Verfügbarkeit: not available in DK